Skillshare Classes

I have a new class on Skillshare!

Travis Vermilye

Tutorials for 3D Biomedical Animation

OsiriX and Zbrush Tutorials – 3D models from medical image data

Segment and generate 3D models in OsiriX

Generate 3D models from OsiriX from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.

Clean models up and remesh in Zbrush

Clean up and smooth medical image models in Zbrush from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.

Cinema 4D Tutorials and Demos. Yah!

Generating quick blood vessels and blood flow using MoGraph.


MoGraph BloodFlow – Intro from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.

Module 1 – the blood vessel

MoGraph BloodFlow – Module 1 – Blood Vessel from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.

Module 2 – RBCs

MoGraph BloodFlow – Module 2 – RBCs from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.

Module 3 – the polish

MoGraph BloodFlow – Module 3 – Final Touches from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.

Protein Docking Animation Using Simple Techniques with MoGraph in Cinema 4D

Using Mograph Magic for cell membrane proteins and molecular docking from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.

Influenza-Like Virus – Nice and Easy with MoGraph and Cinema 4D

Module 1: Generating proteins on the virus surface

Get the flu in MoGraph – Module1 from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.

Module 2: Generating background viruses on the fly

Get the Flu in Mograph Module2 from Travis Vermilye on Vimeo.