Art | Art Careers | Cinema 4D | How To | Thoughts
How to Become a Medical Animator | Everything You Need to Know
Learn all about the steps and qualifications for how to become a medical animator and the different paths you can take to get there.
Learn all about the steps and qualifications for how to become a medical animator and the different paths you can take to get there.
I’ve been in love with title design for years now. I teach students about them in my motion design courses at CU Denver and I think about them constantly. I even dream about them. Last year (2022), I was lucky enough to be asked by my friend and colleague Michelle Carpenter to create the intro…
I have a Glowforge Laser Cutter that I purchased during the initial crowdfunding stage for about half-price. The thing is, it took more than two years to arrive, and when it did, I had already kind moved on to other things. Now I have a project in mind. I want to create coral-like shapes that…